

A Second Chance Love

By T.K. Paige

Sexy Snax collection (Book #30)

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Book Description
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Years after losing her husband, Kerri Johnston is surprised to find love again with the two men she never knew were there all along.

Two years ago when Kerri Johnston buried her husband Caleb after a tragic car accident, his best friends Kyle and Jacob came to her rescue. Taking her back to their ranch with them, they gave her a fresh start and a friendship she desperately needed. But after her grief fades Kerri realises her feelings for her two friends have changed and friendship isn’t enough.

While Kerri knows that Jacob and Kyle play with women occasionally, she also knows that she could never live with being only a temporary fling to them. When Kerri makes the decision to leave because watching them from the outside is becoming too painful, she gets a surprise second chance at love. That is, if three people can work through the obstacles and misunderstandings that come with it…

Reader Advisory: This book contains M/M scenes, anal sex and sex toys. It also includes a scene of attempted rape and a mention of sexual abuse.




General Release Date: 10th October 2014

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-232-0
Word Count: 24,229
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 67

About the author
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T.K. Paige

T.K. Paige picked up her first book to read around the age of four and hasn’t stopped since. She discovered the M/M genre in August of 2012 and an addict was hooked.

If you see her and she is not reading, then she is thinking about the books that live in her head. It doesn’t matter what else she is doing, it is guaranteed half her brain has a plot running through it.

A stay at home mom for more years than she would like to think about, she is lucky enough to be married to a wonderful guy who encouraged her to write throughout their years together. Then when she finally did it and she told him what she was writing, he turned only slightly green and asked “Do I have to read it?” Apparently, he had dreams of her being the next Urban Fantasy sensation with her taste in movies… We won’t tell him what she watches when she is alone all day folding laundry.

She would love to hear from readers through her email and Facebook page. 


Reviews (4)
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  Reviewed by Crystal's Many Reviewers

This was a quick sexy read that I couldn’t get enough of.  Even though it was a short quick read, I still enjoyed the characters, and of course the smuttiness, that was in the story.  I loved that...

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  Reviewed by MM Good Book Reviews

There are a few surprising twists and a very satisfying ending. I will say one thing I really liked is that the ménage isn’t perfect. There is jealousy, and work at making it work. All the chara...

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News (2)
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T.K. Paige - Female First feature

o celebrate the release of my second novella with Totally Bound, A Second Chance Love, I’ve decided to do my blog post on why I reached for my dream and how it has affected me.

Reading has always been my escape since I was four. I could go anywhere, be anyone and do anything when I was lost in a book. For me, that segued into daydreaming constantly whenever I had a few minutes. It could be about a book, a TV show or movie. While my sisters were complaining about the long drive to wherever, I was imagining Middle Earth or traveling the universe with a Time Lord.

And many times it was a something that only existed in my head.


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T.K. Paige - BTSe mag feature

Did you ever look around and wonder, “What am I doing here?”

That’s me right now. A little over a year ago I was a wife, mother and homemaker. If you asked me to describe myself I would’ve used those words first. Then followed it with, book addict, introvert, sci fi freak, closet romantic and daydreamer.

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