

Bloodlines: A Box Set

By Crissy Smith

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Book Description
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If trouble doesn’t come to him, he’ll find it on his own.

Dangerous, scary, crazy… Kieran Smith has been called a lot of things in his time and most of them are true. He respects few, trusts even fewer and barely tolerates everyone else. When Kieran is sent on an unwanted vacation to the city of Las Vegas, he goes looking for trouble just to prove a point. Little does he know that one night is going to set in motion a chain of events that will change his entire life.

Dakota Reese is a third-generation Organization agent. When she meets Kieran, the first Day Walker she’s encountered, she is both intrigued and excited. She even finds his snark and sarcasm sexy. When she has the opportunity to get to know him better, it’s obvious that Kieran has been tormented by shifters in his past. As much as she wants him, Dakota isn’t sure that Kieran can see past the fact that she’s a jaguar shifter.

As Kieran finds himself falling for the sweet yet tough shifter, a ghost from his past comes back to haunt him. His boss is up to something as well and his partner is keeping secrets. He might be on vacation but Kieran isn’t getting any rest.

With suspicion and tensions running high, Kieran must figure out who he can trust before he really does go crazy.



Learning to take control might drive them all crazy.

It’s been a month since Kieran Smith and his partner were reassigned to the Organization office in Las Vegas. During that time, his boss has left to go on a secret mission and Kieran’s been bonding with an old friend plus falling in love with a shifter. Kieran’s not sure where all the changes in his life are coming from, but he’s doing his best to deal with them. When his past comes back to haunt him, Kieran feels himself losing control. He’s been accused of being crazy and, if things keep going the way they are, he just might prove everyone right.

Shifters are going missing around the city and Dakota fears the same group responsible for kidnapping and torturing Kieran is behind it. When the mastermind is uncovered and Kieran is once again in danger, Dakota vows to protect him at all costs. She never expected to have to worry about losing control of her jaguar, though.

The Day Walkers, shifters and humans have to band together for survival and not all of them are going to make it out untouched by the events that are about to unfold.



Embrace who he is... or lose everything.

Six weeks ago, Kieran Smith learned that his DNA had been altered during his time as a captive to the shifters. Kieran has always known he’s a powerful Day Walker, but he’s having trouble dealing with the fact that even to other Walkers, he’s a freak.

Just when he thinks things are finally settling down, Kieran learns that fate isn’t done messing with him. His lover, Dakota, saves three teenage shifters who need more help than he and Dakota can give. Not everyone has recovered from dealing with the shifters responsible for Kieran’s and others’ years of torture, and now two strange Day Walkers have come to town, attacking the local Pack and causing trouble.

It doesn’t take long for Kieran and his friends to realize that the two Walkers have a connection to Kieran. A deep bond that is going to change everything.

Kieran is either going to have to embrace his unique gifts and the things done to him or lose everyone he cares about. He won’t be able to hide anything any longer as his past collides with his future…



Becoming family is the only way they can survive.

Dakota doesn’t know what it is to feel the love and acceptance of a family. She was raised with only one purpose—to become an agent in the Organization that works in the shadows to keep innocent and unaware humans from discovering the paranormal world.

That all changed when she met Kieran Smith, who’s quickly becoming the most important person in her life—more important than the job she didn’t want in the first place.

Kieran isn’t like other people. A loner, even his own kind shun him. He’s learned long ago not to depend on anyone else—until he met Dakota. Dakota is slowly proving that not only can she be trusted, but she truly loves him, faults and all.

With their small but loyal group of friends by their side, Dakota and Kieran must face their demons and their pasts. Family has only meant pain before, but now their chosen family will be what they need to survive…and finally get their happily ever after.


Reader Advisory: These books contain scenes of violence, references to murder, satanic rituals, drug taking, parental neglect, capture, incarceration, and torture. There is a brief glimpse of m/m sex.

General Release Date: 12th May 2020

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-402-0
Word Count: 204,568
Language: English
Pages: 793

About the author
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Crissy Smith

Crissy Smith lives in Texas with her husband, daughter, and three Labrador retrievers. The three dogs love to curl up under her computer desk and nap while she writes. It doesn't leave a lot of room for her but what's a woman to do?

When not writing or reading, she enjoys hunting, camping and shooting. But she has a girly side too and is addicted to pedicures and coffee.

She has been writing since she was a teenager and still loves everything to do with the paranormal. Her stories and characters all have a place in her heart. She loves the alpha male, the dominant werewolf, or the Master vampire which find their way in most of her books.

Learn more about the characters she has created at her website where they have their very own page. It will be updated from time to time to let you know what's going on with them. You can also find out who will be in the next book.

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