

Conjuring Cal

By Buffi BeCraft

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Book Description
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Love and Mercy are powerful forms of magic.

Gennie Pendragon understands magic isn't always good for the body or the soul. Born from the descendants of the mystical King Arthur and Merlin, she also knows the legends are real.

Excalibur, the King Maker, has remained hidden away for the past century awaiting his next master's hand to claim him. Once awakened, he has four days to test this unknown Pendragon. Only the Good and Just can wield his immense power, but Gennie is something he never counted on.

Nothing can change his destiny—not even their passionate love.

This book has been released previously. It has been expanded, revised and re-edited for release with Total-e-bound

General Release Date: 9th June 2008

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-906590-52-9
Word Count: 23,248
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 82

About the author
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Buffi BeCraft

Buffi BeCraft-Woodall writes Romantic Paranormal fantasy with a heavy dose of East Texas thrown in. Her first book was the result of a challenge. At the time Buffi was casting around, trying to come up with an idea for a book that was both marketable and fun to write. When her mother insisted that no one could write a paranormal she would be able to understand, the war was on. She wanted create a book that was easy for those uninitiated to the whole paranormal/fantasy genre to both understand and enjoy. Buffi is happy to say that her mother is now waiting anxiously for the next release.

Reviews (2)
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  Reviewed by Romance Junkies Reviews

Ms. BeCraft-Woodall's CONJURING CAL is an exquisite read.

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  Reviewed by Simply Romance Reviews

I loved the twist on this book. Buffi has a way of taking what is considered old, or even overplayed in the genre and makes it her own and buffs it up like new. I had never imagined a plot like this...

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