

Cross My Heart

By Aliyah Burke

S.W.A.L.K collection (Book #1)

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Book Description
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One night together can lead to forever…

Rash decisions had not really ever been her thing, until one night in a bar with her brothers had Cynzia Cassano irritated enough to kiss the next guy walking through the door. Little does she know that he is going change her life.

Lucas Hoch is out with his best friends when a woman that knocks his world on its axis kisses him. Unable to forget her, he follows and takes the night with her she offers. It will never be enough. She is gone when he wakes and he will scour the earth to find her again.

When their paths do cross once more, as much as he wants to keep her, she is a woman with her own strong mind and life to live. Will there be room in their lives for each other? 


Reader advisory: This book contains characters from Casanova in Training and Temporary Home.

General Release Date: 1st February 2022

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-571-3
Word Count: 31,567
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 139

About the author
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Aliyah Burke


Aliyah Burke is an avid reader and is never far from pen and paper (or the computer). She is happily married to a career military man. They are owned by six Borzoi. She spends her days at the day job, writing, and working with her dogs​She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached here. She can also be found on Facebook or Twitter: @AliyahBurke96. And Pinterest.

If you would like to be kept abreast of what's going on in the world of Aliyah, you can sign up to her newsletter here.



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