

Demolition of the Heart

By Cassandra Hawke

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Book Description
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Wade Faxton and Kayla Mackenzie clash heads on for the ownership of her beloved family home. They are caught in a web of revenge and sizzling passion that puts both the house and their hearts at risk.

Still glowing from a passionate encounter, Kayla is devastated to find out the object of her passions, Wade Faxton, intends to demolish her historic family home. Fiery tempered and impetuous, Kayla challenges his ownership and finds herself caught in a complex web of revenge, lies and murder.

The smouldering lust between them cannot, however, be ignored. Kayla can’t resist succumbing to his charms, falling into his arms and bed at every turn as their attraction explodes into an inferno of desire. Kayla must learn to face the truth, though, and soon nothing matters to her but exposing the reality behind her suspicions and bitter accusations. Will she find a way that they can be together without making untenable sacrifices?


Publisher's Note: This book was previously released by another publisher. It has been revised and re-edited for release with Totally Bound Publishing.

General Release Date: 22nd August 2014

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-152-1
Word Count: 68,619
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 182

About the author
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Cassandra Hawke

Cassandra was a closet writer for several years before she got brave enough to share her work with anyone until she joined Eyre Writers Inc, a creative writing group in the seaside town of Port Lincoln and really began to improve.

Her first book was a 100,000 words family saga novel, but after a workshop on 'How to write a Mills and Boon', she embarked on a new direction—writing the romance novel.

After being made redundant from the job she loved in 2011 she became a carer for her frail, vision-impaired mother and turned to fulfilling her dream of becoming a writer.

When Cassandra's not writing she enjoys spending time with family and friends, especially her mother, and her three wonderful adult children and two adorable grandchildren.

She also enjoys egg decorating and carving, reading of course, painting and cooking.

You can visit Cassandra's Goodreads page.


Reviews (2)
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  Reviewed by Kim

I found the mystery/adventure aspect of this story compelling. They were at their best when trying to figure out what happened and trying to survive the many attempts to stop them from pursuing...

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  Reviewed by BTSe Magazine

This was a very suspenseful and very quick read. The main characters were likeable and charming.

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News (2)
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Cassandra Hawke - On building a strong Author brand

It was exciting to secure a contract for my debut novel, Demolition of the Heart with Totally Bound in 2014, but I quickly realized ‘getting published’ was one small step to becoming a successful ‘author’.

I needed readers.

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Cassandra Hawke - Female First Post

Cassandra Hawke discusses Demolition of the Heart

When people ask me what I write I often get a funny reaction when I say erotic romance. Some don’t approve of the erotic part, while others don’t think romance is a form of writing to be taken seriously, not like Tim Winton, Bryce Courtney or Colleen MacCullogh’s beautifully crafted tomes. But I believe it is a privilege to spin a tale of romance achieved against all odds because we all have, as human beings, the desire to find that one person to love and who will love us back, a soul mate to share the journey through life with.

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