

Double Strokes

By Kat Black

Lust Bites collection (Book #99)

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Book Description
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Just what is a good girl supposed to do, faced with the wicked temptation of not one bad boy, but two?

No matter how hard good girl, Gemma Trent, tries to run from the mistakes of her past, she can't seem to escape the memories of two hard-bodied, hot-blooded rowers, and the shameful things she let them do to her one crazy night five years ago in the college boathouse. Perhaps only by facing up to those mistakes can she prove that she's no longer that sort of girl, and finally set herself free.

As determined as Gemma seems to be to smother the truth of her passions, Nathan Hunter and Ben Pearce—having already had her slip through their callused fingertips once—are equally committed to fanning the embers and rekindling the fire they suspect still smoulders deep inside. Now that they have her within reach again, all they have to do is convince Gemma to put her own self-imposed prejudices aside, and remind her just how good it feels to share.

General Release Date: 12th September 2011

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-699-0
Word Count: 10,256
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 29

About the author
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Kat Black

Kat Black resides in England, where her hot and steamy imagination has its work cut out trying to combat the effects of the dull, miserable weather. Author of erotica that is sometimes sweet, sometimes sharp, but always intense, Kat has a range of short stories published in print and e-format both in the UK and US.

Reviews (5)
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  Reviewed by Customer

A wonderful quick read! A very well written story with all my sex and menage! The 3 had great chemistry between them that just exploded from the pages. Highly recommended!

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  Reviewed by Night Owl Romance Reviews

Double Strokes is the perfect title for this erotic and very sensual m�nage romance...You're gonna love it!

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