

Lady in Red

By Shermaine Williams

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Book Description
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An attraction to her new boss was unwise — Florence knew that — but she just couldn't help it. Almost as if there were other forces at work drawing them together…

Besides being arrogant, there isn't much that Florence knows about her new boss. In fact, no one seems to know much about him. Taking the sensible course of action, she fully intends to leave the mysterious Mack to his own devices, but her body and mind have other ideas.

No matter how hard she tries, Florence's mind would always return to him, leading her to do what was necessary to entice him. Little does she know that Mack knows more than she could ever imagine.

General Release Date: 3rd January 2011

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-378-4
Word Count: 48,691
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 132

About the author
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Shermaine Williams

In her early thirties and a born and bred Londoner, Shermaine Williams has loved reading since she was a child. She began writing relatively recently after becoming bored with the career that came after finishing university.

She writes contemporary erotic romance, telling tales of characters that she hopes people can see themselves in. She gets inspiration from the most unassuming acts that people all around her don't realise they are performing. Stories with a twist always get her attention.

In addition to fiction, she also writes other pieces that are positively mundane by comparison.

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