

Leading Me Home

By Megan Linden

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Book Description
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Pretending to date the guy he has a crush on? Kevin’s sure he’s heading for a disaster. A broken heart, at least.

Kevin has been a lone wolf almost his entire life and he’s comfortable with that. Now that he no longer works for the guy he hated, Kevin has only one problem—his crush on his neighbor and best friend.

Taylor is the Alpha’s Son, the heir to the Harrington Pack. He left his hometown and moved to San Francisco as a rite of passage, but it was always temporary, since his place is in Harrington Hills with his pack. Now Taylor is heading back home for a wedding and since his mother is threatening to set him up if he comes alone, he needs a date. Asking Kevin to be his pretend boyfriend sounds like a perfect solution.

What happens when they arrive in Harrington Hills and learn to see each other in a different light? With their relationship changing, can they drop the act and realize that what they have is real?

General Release Date: 16th February 2016

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-983-1
Word Count: 30,090
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 88

About the author
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Megan Linden

Megan is one of those people who dreamed of being a writer since they were a little kid and then didn’t do anything about it for years. Then as a teenager she was introduced to fandom and… well. She fell head first into it and never looked back. At some point she decided to try writing her own characters in her own stories. And that’s where she is today.

When she's not writing, Megan works as a psychologist and continues to learn the hard way that she can’t give all her clients their happy ending (she truly believes everyone can save themselves, though). That’s why she makes sure to give it to her characters, always.

She loves TV shows, books, fanworks and pizza (not necessarily in that order). But there’s nothing like getting messages from readers who enjoy her stories, so if you’re not sure it’s okay to contact her—yes, it is.

You can take a look at Megan's website here. You can also follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Reviews (12)
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  Reviewed by Archaeolibrarian

This novella has it all - friendship, romance, it has some hot scenes without being gratuitous, and it has definitely left me wanting more. Absolutely adored this book and I'm looking forward to...

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  Reviewed by TBR Pile

 It’s an easy to read, gentle love story with great main characters and a good plot. It hits all of the points it needed to

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