

Leopard's Spots: Part One: A Box Set

By Bailey Bradford

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Book Description
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A run through the woods turned anything but typical when Levi found the one thing he never expected to find-his mate.

After a week spent in family reunion hell, Levi Travis is more than ready for a little break. But who knew shifting into a snow leopard and loping around in the woods could turn into such a steamy event?

When Levi encounters a cougar shifter in the woods, the attraction is so hot it threatens to shoot off sparks. Levi has fantasized about having a stronger man than him want him, and he's sure the cougar is just such a man. Which is why Levi lets himself get caught, and the intensity of their mating is only equaled by Levi's confusion when the man shifts back into a cougar then turns tail and runs.

Lyndon Hines has been running for months. Hunted, taunted, he didn't know what else to do—until he met a man who made him realize that some things were worth fighting for. Two shifters, each a different breed, neither knowing much about their heritage, Levi and Lyndon come together and find the strength to take on the mad man who is out to end Lyndon's life.



One sexy wolf is determined to show a grouchy kitty just how perfect they are for each other.

Oscar Travis has always been different, and not just because he’s a snow leopard shifter. Petite and pretty in a family where even the women are bigger and stronger than he is, Oscar has been protected by them—except for the times when no one could keep him safe. When he had to take another shifter’s life to protect his own family, Oscar’s world became a scarier place, at least in his head, not that he’s going to let his family know that. He will, however, help his dad Henry hunt down the cougar shifter who is trying to destroy one of Oscar’s own, his brother-in-law, Lyndon.

Which is why Oscar finds himself in San Antonio. Curiosity—always Oscar’s potential downfall—is the reason he’s in one of the city’s biggest gay nightclubs. And it’s his bad luck that he is cornered by four obnoxious shifters who are out to ruin his night. Josiah Baker has other plans for Oscar, plans of mates and forever, but once he makes sure his kitten is safe, he’s ditched like a bad memory. Good thing he’s a shifter too, and a determined one who doesn’t shy away from Oscar’s attitude. He sees the hurting man behind the pretty façade, and no one is going to keep him and Oscar from the happy ending they deserve.



Tim Trujillo is about to learn a whole lot more than a few facts about his heritage as a snow leopard shifter.

All Dr Tim Trujillo had in mind when he took the position with the Snow Leopard Conservation Programme in Mongolia was to see if he could learn anything about his heritage. Snow leopard shifters sure weren't native to Colorado, his home state, and though his family was learning more about shifters in general as various cousins found their mates, Tim wanted to know more about where his kind came from, and what made them the way they were.

He hadn't counted on destiny intervening in the form of one very fine snow leopard shifter. Otto Marquat is a native to the Land of the Blue Sky, as Mongolia was sometimes called. But there in a country so far from his own, Tim finds more than his heritage. He finds adventure, cruelty, friendship, pain—and love so strong and unbreakable it will turn his world inside out.



Snow leopard shifter Isaiah Trujillo isn't a doctor like his brother Tim, but he's a good guy and when he meets Bae Allen Warren, he knows he's found the one man to make his life complete.

Snow leopard shifter Isaiah Trujillo wasn't the brightest guy. His brother was a doctor with more letters after his name than in it, and Isaiah was just a mechanic. But, he strived to be a good person, and that included accepting the offer to volunteer at a GLBTQ youth centre.

He's nervous as hell, but Isaiah's determined to do what he can to help.

Bae Allen Warren is a veterinarian with a mobile practice. It allows him more freedom than having an actual building he had to work out of. He had more baggage than any man should, thanks to his messed up shifter family. His lepe, or clan, was a source of constant stress and guilt. But the leader, his grandfather, makes demands on Bae he can't ever fulfil for moral and other reasons.

When Bae and Isaiah meet, it's instant attraction. They know they're mates, but there's so many obstacles in their way, not the least of which are the stalkers who seem determined to kidnap Bae.

General Release Date: 17th March 2020

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-026-8
Word Count: 213,819
Language: English
Pages: 788

About the author
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Bailey Bradford

A native Texan, Bailey spends her days spinning stories around in her head, which has contributed to more than one incident of tripping over her own feet. Evenings are reserved for pounding away at the keyboard, as are early morning hours. Sleep? Doesn't happen much. Writing is too much fun, and there are too many characters bouncing about, tapping on Bailey's brain demanding to be let out.

Caffeine and chocolate are permanent fixtures in Bailey's office and are never far from hand at any given time. Removing either of those necessities from Bailey's presence can result in what is known as A Very, Very Scary Bailey and is not advised under any circumstances.

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by Susan

I received a copy of Leopard’s Spots: Part One by Bailey Bradford from Pride Publishing in exchange for an honest review. I have a fondness for cat shifters as a nice change from werewolves and B...

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