

Midnight Desires

By Kris Norris

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Book Description
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Sometimes losing your clothes at the stroke of twelve is a wish come true.

Duncan couldn't have predicted the night would turn from a mundane trip to the country bar, into a hot offer from a stunning lady. After making all the right moves, he follows his temptress back to her home, hoping she doesn't suddenly change her mind. But when the door opens, and her sexy silhouette ghosts into view, he prays that tonight, his midnight desires will come true.

General Release Date: 1st January 1970

Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: fb_848
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY

About the author
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Kris Norris

Author, single mother, slave to chaos—she's a jack-of-all-trades who's constantly looking for her ever elusive clone.

Kris started writing some years back, and it took her a while to realize she wasn't destined for the padded room, and that the voices chattering away in her head were really other characters trying to take shape—and since they weren't telling her to conquer the human race, she went with it. Though she supposes if they had…insert evil laugh.

Kris loves writing erotic novels. She loves heroines who kick butt, heroes who are larger than life and sizzling sex scenes that leave you feeling just a bit breathless.

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by Miz Heart

I loved this story. It had everything an erotic story should have. Great storyline that draws in the reader and very hot sex scenes.

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