

Quite A Quartet

By Renee Michaels

Lust Bites collection (Book #53)

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Book Description
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A foursome is sure to quadruple your pleasure.

Molly is off on another adventure. Determined to open a dress shop, she accompanies her mistress Annabelle, the new Countess of Glenhaven, on her bridal journey to fashionable Paris.

To Molly’s chagrin, her young mistress seems hell-bent on courting disaster. Encouraged by her overindulgent husband, Annabelle satisfies her every whim. She dresses in men’s clothing and delights in her newfound freedoms. An attack by a rejected suitor is the least of the troubles the women endure.

But more than her mistress’ shenanigans has Molly’s head spinning. Logan, her lover, has declared his intentions. He speaks of love and a life together. Molly has her future mapped out and never saw herself as a wife.

As far as Molly is concerned, a husband will only hinder her plans, but that doesn’t mean she won’t enjoy his efforts as he tries to convince her otherwise. 

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of ménage à quatre, including brief scenes of FF intimacy, as well as a scene of attempted rape.


General Release Date: 20th June 2014

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-054-8
Word Count: 14,887
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 51

About the author
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Renee Michaels

Renee Michaels lives in sunny south Florida. She started to write as a creative outlet during her husband's extended illness. Now she can't imagine doing anything else.

She has books published with Liquid Silver Books, Red Rose Publishing, Samhain Publishing and Secret Cravings Publishing, and a full-length. She contributed a story to the anthology Carnal Machines, published by Cleis Press, which won a gold medal at the Ippy Awards.

Reviews (4)
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  Reviewed by The Romance Reviews

This is the second installment in the Molly's Mayhem series, and it can be read as a standalone. That said, I desperately want to read the first book since the references sound so delightfull...

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  Reviewed by The Jeep Diva

Several sensual interludes from voyeurism to menagé with two couples brings a unique and fun twist to a historical romp from the perspective of a servant.  Quick reading, spicy and clever, this hi...

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