

The Dryad in Her Pool

By Allie Standifer

Sexy Snax collection (Book #107)

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Book Description
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Drunk on Canadian tree sap, Reece Oak accidentally ends up in Quinn's pool. The next morning proves that—drunk or not—this male dryad has just the right stuff to claim his mate…if he can get her to stop arguing with him long enough to listen.

Determined to show his family and friends his life is fine without an immortal mate, Reece Oak drowns his sorrows in the finest Canadian tree sap a dryad can find. The next morning, he wakes up in a strange bed…face to face with his mate.

Quinn's seen a lot of weird things in her life, but a drunk dryad singing commercial jingles while spouting words of love and devotion takes the cake. Before she can call the men in the white coats, Reece sets out to prove his feelings are as real as his magic.

General Release Date: 28th January 2013

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78184-205-8
Word Count: 19,746
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 53

About the author
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Allie Standifer

I've been lucky enough to travel all over the world as a child. I experienced life through many different cultures and countries. No matter where I went stories would pop up in my mind. It took a while for me to figure out exactly what those tales were trying to tell me, but eventually I understood. Five years later I'm happily typing away to the tune of the voices in my head.

I'm addicted to anything to do with mythology, regardless of culture. I can be bribed with good coffee or Diet Coke. I will bore strangers to tears with pictures and stories of my fabulous nephews and nieces. Nothing like kids to keep you humble and honest, especially when they consider the plumber to have a cooler and more glamorous career than their aunt, the writer.

Have a question, an addiction you want to share? Please shoot me an e-mail. I love to hear from readers.

Reviews (2)
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  Reviewed by Erzabets Enchantments

This is funny, fantastic, witty, humorous, sexy and sexual satisfying...If you have any doubt about my impression of this book let me say IT'S. FABULOUS.

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  Reviewed by Literary Nymphs

a quick read with a fine balance of humour and heat...I had fun visualizing some of the events, and I know readers will agree...

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