

The Ocean God's Oath

By AT Lander

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Book Description
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Can his first love be his second chance?

Theocles, a mercenary in war-torn Ancient Greece, has lost faith in the gods, the world and himself. Trapped in a cycle of violence that’s wearing away his principles, he seems destined to lose his humanity…until his long-forgotten past resurfaces and everything changes.

Hali, a minor god of the peaceful deep sea, has spent fifteen years on a quest to save his childhood sweetheart. A shapeshifter with bottomless compassion, he longs to embrace Theo with human arms and warm tentacles—to help his lost love finally find peace.

Instantly attracted to this familiar stranger, Theo is torn between the love he longs for and the only life he knows. The scars of war cut deep and Theo’s only “friend” whispers poison in his ear. With Theo’s soul and Hali’s life on the line, can this mercenary find redemption? Or will he truly become the monster he fears he is?


Reader advisory: This book contains scenes of violence, assault, war, and animal slaughter. There are instances of abuse, grooming, and expressions of homophobia.

General Release Date: 19th September 2023

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-302-3
Word Count: 23,619
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 105

About the author
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AT Lander

AT Lander has loved stories, both the reading and the telling, since she was a child. Born in upstate New York to an English professor and a former librarian, she now lives in the queerest part of Massachusetts. She never leaves home without a knitting project or a pencil, and she’s never met a cat she doesn’t like.

She has worked as an history museum guide, a professional storyteller, and an actress, sharing tales of what was, what could have been, and what can only be imagined. World mythology is her driving passion, as what better way to understand a people than through the tales they tell?

Follow AT Lander on Twitter and Facebook.

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