

When It Rains

By Jaime Samms

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Book Description
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Darkling Naokki's love for water sprite Blaire is forbidden, and Blaire would rather lose him than see him hurt. Will Naokki's lover return to him, when it rains?

General Release Date: 1st January 1970

Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: fb_1116
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY

About the author
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Jaime Samms

Jaime writes, romance, fantasy, urban fantasy, shifter stories about men, about life, about love. Her work is populated with mostly men, most of whom are into each other, and yes, we do mean into each other. You can find plenty of free reading on her website.

She also reviews for Dark Diva Reviews, mostly the same types of stories, and will happily spout her opinion on the books she reads to her kids, who she home schools. Finally, she's occasionally gainfully employed. She writes for the love it, and hopes to pass on that love to her readers, her kids, and anyone else who comes along.

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