

Who's Your Daddy PRINT

By Alexis Fleming, Lyn Cash & Summer Devon

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Book Description
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'Direct Deposit' by Summer Devon

Five years ago she and her husband had used him in a strange threesome that turned out to be less about passion than about an infertile couple's desperation. Now Zack Reese spotted Colleen Madison's name on a list of fertility centre clients he's supposed to interview for a story about some sperm donor. His curiosity, and his haunting memory of her glorious naked body, overcomes his reluctance to contact her.

Divorced and infertile - yet finally content with her life - Colleen is shaken when the man she'd unwittingly deceived re-enters her life. She can't forget that their one encounter left her wanting more. His re-entry into her life reawakens a passion she thought she'd lost years earlier.

'Strategic Withdrawal' by Alexis Fleming

WANTED: Sperm Donor #69. Tired of using a test tube? Sick of the sterility of the lab? If so, come join me for two weeks of red-hot lovin.' Satisfaction guaranteed!

Mandy Dodds wants a baby before her biological clock implodes. A withdrawal from a donor bank smacks too much of buying a baby for Mandy's sensibilities so she comes up with a plan. Track down Sperm Donor #69, the father of three clients' babies, and do things the old-fashioned way.

Travis McCloud seems to be that man. But there's just something about him that doesn't add up.

What will Mandy's reaction be when she finds out Travis McCloud has been using her for his own agenda?

'Playing the Ace' by Lyn Cash

Look at photos of a gorgeous female form with his left hand, become intimate with his Johnson with his right, give the nice nurse his resulting specimen, and walk back to his dorm with a pocketful of cash.

Who knew that a few random deposits during his college years would yield such a grand lifetime investment by the time he was in his thirties?

Ace discovers how wealthy he is when he meets the blonde bombshell attorney representing two of the children he spawned back when he was known as Sperm Donor #69.

General Release Date: 15th May 2008

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Book Information
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ISBN: 978-1-906590-26-0
Word Count: 53,079
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 200

About the author
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Alexis Fleming, Lyn Cash & Summer Devon

Alexis Fleming

Alexis Fleming writes stories dominated by sassy women and sexy macho men, by mouthy shifters and the odd delicious demon. You'll experience crazy, laugh-out-loud moments as you live vicariously through the antics of her characters. The magic of the paranormal and the suspense of a mystery to solve will tantalize all the way until the end.
Based in north Queensland, Australia, when Alexis is not interfering in the lives of her imaginary friends, she’s happy to get caught up with family and help her daughter, author Kelly Ethan, plot her next murderous adventure for her stories.
Nothing like keeping it in the family.

You can find Alexis at her website.


Lyn Cash

Bobbie Cole is the multi-published author of over fifty short stories and confessions, a couple of non-fiction books, and over a dozen novellas and novels. Her mainstream fiction is written under Bobbie Cole, her erotic fiction under the pen names of Lyn Cash and Cash Cole.

Summer Devon

Summer Devon is the alter ego Kate Rothwell who invented Summer's name in the middle of a nasty blizzard whilst talking to her sister who longed to visit some friends in Devon, England, so the name Summer Devon is all about desire. Kate/Summer lives in Connecticut, USA and also writes gaslight historicals under her own name.

Summer has a blog and a MySpace page, so be sure to catch up with her at: Summer's Blog and at her myspace page: Summer's MySpace.

Summer is also involved with a couple of groups but the one she's been a part of the longest is Romance Unleashed. So, be sure to catch up with me at any of these places.

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