

In the News: Morticia Knight

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Morticia Knight - Because Two Men are Better Than One Feature

Today we welcome author Morticia Knight to share with us the experience of writing two series at once.

Ethan Stone - Female First

Look, sometimes, no matter how hard you try, sometimes you need a bit of luck.

- Bear Grylls

Everyone likes to think that success in life is about hard work, but everything in life has an element of luck to it.


Molly Ann Wishlade - Female First feature

Horses and Harleys is a story of two wounded souls who find hope and healing through their interaction with each other and through their mutual love of horses.

As part of my research for the story, I looked into how animals can be helpful in the healing process, whether this is physical or psychological.


Morticia Knight BTSeMag feature

Beyond the Romance by Morticia Knight #Btsemag

Most of the stories I write begin before the two main characters fall in love. Half the time, they’ve never even met before. As a reader, I also enjoy being there as the two characters – in my case, two men – discover each other, then build up to that realization of love. But true love isn’t only about the beginning of a relationship. What happens to those characters when you go beyond the romance?

Morticia Knight - Rainbow Book Reviews feature

Let's start with you telling us a little bit about yourself, Morticia.
I’m an insatiable reader and writer. I also love music and film, and have to have EDM (electronic dance music) playing while I write.

Aim High Exclusive interview

Pride Publishing talks to the authors featured in the Aim High anthology, exploring the stories of men who work in the Air Forces.

Morticia Knight - Divine Magazine Author of the Month

Where can you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

I’d love to be doing what I’m doing now times five. If that makes sense! I just want my writing career to continue on an upward path and to have the opportunity to meet my readers and fellow authors in different places around the world.

Morticia Knight - Sinfully Sexy Hot Pick

Building Bonds has been chosen as Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance's July Hot Pick!

Morticia Knight - Exclusive Author feature for Building Bonds

What can we expect from Building Bonds?

 As the first book in the Kiss of Leather series, Building Bonds introduces several characters who will subsequently get their stories told in later books. The principle ones are the three Doms who are opening the premiere Kiss of Leather BDSM club located in West Hollywood, near Los Angeles. 

Morticia Knight - Because Two Men are Better than One featured author

We are excited about the launch of Pride Publishing and to help celebrate their launch, will be introducing you to some of their fabulous authors each week. 

Morticia Knight - ARe Cafe series spotlight

We got sin AND uniformed hunks from Morticia Knight. Enjoy this look at Sin City Uniforms!

Morticia Knight - BTSe Mag feature

Sure, I write erotic romance. Many of my stories and two of my series also include strong BDSM elements. In addition, almost all of my books are gay romances. When I still worked outside of the home, most of my co-workers from back then found out what I write. All it took was one overly snoopy associate who followed a Facebook and Twitter bread crumb trail to discover my pen name, and subsequently, the subject matter of my books.

Morticia Knight - Rainbow Book Reviews featured author

Let's start with you telling us a little bit about yourself, Morticia.
I spend most of my days in front of my laptop. Although many people might not find that very exciting, it is for me. From there I can create all types of stories and worlds that I get to control. *wink*

Morticia Knight - Cara Sutra feature

Author Morticia Knight spends most of her nights writing about men loving men forever after. If there happens to be some friendly bondage or floggings involved, she doesn’t begrudge her characters whatever their filthy little heart’s desire.

Morticia Knight - USA Today feature

My three favorite reality TV shows:

• Vegas Strip. This show is about foot patrol cops on the Las Vegas Strip. It is unbelievably entertaining — there's no other place like Vegas for outlandish antics. There was one cop in particular who became the inspiration for Shawn in the first Sin City Uniforms book — he was able to let all the insanity roll right off of him and never lost his humor.

Morticia Knight - Hampton Road Club series spotlight

Hello friends, today I have a real treat for you! The Hampton Road Club series by Morticia Knight is our feature series today,

Morticia Knight - Guest Post at The Novel Approach

The Novel Approach welcomes author Morticia Knight today to talk about her new release The Fear of Surrender from Totally Bound, and to help celebrate the Countdown to Euro Pride Con 2015.

Semper Fidelis Exclusive author feature

We speak to the authors involved in the Semper Fidelis anthology about what they love about men in uniform.

Morticia Knight - ARe Cafe Pick of the Week

Biking Bad has been chosen as Pick of the Week at ARe Cafe.

Morticia Knight - Rainbow Awards Runner-up 2014

Morticia Knight’s Gin and Jazz series Books 1- 4 is the runner-up in the Bobby Michaels Award for Best Gay Erotic Romance category.

Morticia Knight - Blog tour stop with GGR Review

When I lived in the San Jacinto Mountains right above Palm Springs, California – there was a highway that wound up from the desert floor. Highway 74 is an amazing scenic ride with lots of twists and turns that ends in the picturesque town of Idyllwild. Even Brad Pitt used to ride his bike there and one of the locals had his picture taken with him when Brad stopped by his convenience store for a pack of cigarettes.

Morticia Knight - Hard Riders Exclusive

Did you enjoy fleshing out the biker gangs, naming them and giving them their own agenda?

Absolutely. Although, I will admit that many times character names and titles are a chore for me. I felt more freedom with this story somehow, and the names came to me easily. I also incorporated Luc’s MC name – Zero – into what I thought was a touching moment at the end.

Morticia Knight - Nominee in the BDSM Writers Con Golden Flogger Award

Hesitant Heart has been nominated in the BDSM Writers Con Golden Flogger Award in the LGBT Dominance & submission category.

Morticia Knight - All Fired Up is nominated for Best Medical/Rescue Worker book

The goodreads M/M Romance Group has nominated All Fired Up for the Best Medical/Rescue Worker Book 2014!

Morticia Knight - Blog tour stop with Love Bytes

There Was No Such Thing as BDSM in the 1920’s

Okay, I’m waiting for the screams of protest. But if I’m being literal, then it’s true. The activities that comprise the acronym of BDSM are likely as ancient as humanity, but the acronym itself wasn’t recorded until the late sixties. Prior to that, those who participated in bondage, discipline, sadomasochism or D/s relationships, did so in the shadows. I won’t go into a long historical account so as to prevent this from becoming a textbook lesson, but I will say that writing BDSM in a historical context was a real challenge.

Morticia Knight - Exclusive Author feature for Hesitant Heart

Why did you choose to write a story that deals with a character whose parents do not support their sexuality?

As incredibly relevant as it was to the time period, it’s unfortunately still relevant today. It’s wonderful that we live in more accepting times, but people are still rejected or bullied all the time because of their sexual choices. It’s a theme I have a difficult time not writing about.

Morticia Knight - Clitical feature

11: If you only had one word to describe yourself, what would it be and why?
We’ve already established that I’m strange, so for this question I’ll go with ‘intense’. I write stories with intense situations and am creating characters who are at a point in their lives where a lot of intense emotions are occurring. Falling in love is epic!

Morticia Knight - Recommended read for October

The Novel Approach has named All Fired Up as their Recommended Read for October.

Morticia Knight - Rainbow Awards Finalist

The Gin and Jazz series is a finalist in the Gay Erotic Romance category at this year's Rainbow Awards.

Morticia Knight - Female First feature

Write What You Don't Know

I’m sure many of you have heard the old saying to always ‘write what you know’. I really have no idea why anyone would do that because it would have prevented J.R.R. Tolkien from writing about Hobbits and Elves and talking trees - which would have been very sad for millions of people – myself included. Truly, almost all fiction involves quite a bit of the author writing about things of which they have absolutely no knowledge or experience.

Morticia Knight - Rude Magazine feature

It’s late at night – usually after ten – and I put the head phones on, ready to pick out what I want to listen to from my cloud. Most of the time I choose DJ trance music – sometimes industrial rock or other electronica. On the odd occasion, soundtracks – but only if it has a driving beat or a really good groove. I like it fast and hard. My characters usually do too.

Morticia Knight - Dawn's Reading Nook

Morticia Knight has been chosen as Author of the Month for September!

Morticia Knight - BTS eMag post

The Swoon-Worthy Factor in Romance

In romance, it’s incredibly important to have likeable main characters. The couple whose story is being told need to be decent people who you care about — you cheer them on when they succeed and your heart is broken when they fail. The chemistry and sexual tension between the two lovers has to ooze off the pages. They must inspire the reader to stay up well past a reasonable bedtime to find out what happens to them next.

What's his Passion Box Set Trailer

Morticia Knight - ARe Book of the Week

Dangerous Wish was chosen as book of the week by Kat, regular reviewer from ARe Cafe.

Morticia Knight - ARe Cafe post

Can Karaoke inspire true love?

I seriously doubt it. Trust me, I used to be a karaoke hostess *shudders*. It has definitely inspired people to run screaming from the room. Or to drink an unusually large amount of alcohol. In Dangerous Wish (Uniform Encounters 6) it sets the stage for the hesitant, awkward, stumbling beginnings of true love for Jared and Dan.

Rockin' the Alternative Book Trailer

Morticia Knight - Three Things for USA Today


Who are three of your favorite TV couples?


• Scully and Mulder from The X-Files. I'm all about sexual tension and undeniable attraction and they were able to keep that going for nine seasons under the most bizarre of circumstances. I mean, would you want to hook up with a guy who's constantly dragging you into unexplainable life-threatening situations and also has the world's largest porn collection? That's true love right there!


Morticia Knight - Interview for Starring Role

Please tell us a bit about the inspiration behind this story.


I used to work in Hollywood in the entertainment industry — both as a performer and on the business side. Boy, do I have a lot of stories *wink* I combined that with my love of the 1920’s. That time period has always been my favourite in terms of style, art and fashion. The silent films and stars have always captured my attention as well.


Morticia Knight - Interview for Razzle Dazzle

The books are set in 1920s so tell us about your research process into this time.


Oh my goodness. The first couple of books were so all-encompassing in making sure that every single detail was correct. I don’t know if I got everything right, but the feedback so far has been positive in that regards. Speech patterns, expressions, cost of items, locations, food, drink, clothing, transportation – I felt I had to stop every other sentence to verify a fact. And that was despite all of the pre-research I did before I ever even wrote the first word! Finally, I became so engrossed in the era, I was able to keep the writing flowing and only verify now and then.


Morticia Knight - Interview for Arresting Behaviour

What is it about the uniform that appeals to women?


I think it’s very similar to the appeal of a Dom — but with a different flavour. Being seduced and protected by a strong in-charge alpha-male speaks to many women at a very primal level…


Morticia Knight - Interview about the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon

Morticia Knight - Interview about The Rules of Love



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