

Taking it Off

Rachel Randall

Customer & Industry Reviews of Taking it Off

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  Review by Tigger9

The narration by a truly appreciative man makes this work really well. Him seeing and wanting make for delicious sexual tension, then when it's satisfied, so is the reader! Both of them are strong and the balance between them works really well, switching between pursuing and pursued all the time. I highly recommend this!

  Review by Whipped Cream Reviews

The author does a good job...This is a quick sexy read with some unique elements that I can happily recommend.

  Review by Erotica for All

a delicious read...seriously sexy...

  Review by Lily

This is a great short novel written entirely from the male point of view...Very enjoyable...

  Review by Customer

Ms. Randall delivers with more than you could hope for...Nothing is left out, no emotion is left undiscovered...Awesome author.



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