


Carol Lynne

Customer & Industry Reviews of Coach

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  Review by The Romance Studio

Coach is an amazing story about love between two men...Jordan and Luc are beautifully written characters and I loved reading about them...The sexual encounters were simply amazing-I was totally aroused!...I highly recommend this novella.

  Review by Romance Junkies Reviews

4.5 out of 5! I have found a new favorite author when I crave homoerotic love stories. Carol Lynne makes each story intriguing, her characters and their feelings are believable, and basically she just entertains her readers with a realistic story.

  Review by Elka Priest

I totally enjoyed Ms Lynne's story and promptly picked up the others in this series. Luc and Justin were believable and sympathetic characters and I was rooting for them from the get go. I took off a star for length. Because it is a short story [under 40 pgs] we stepped right into the physical relationship even though they had known each other for 4 yrs. I would have liked to see more of the getting to know you before the I want you bit. Thankfully the follow up stories touch on Justin and Lucs relationship AND are longer so that they don't suffer from this same problem.

  Review by Two Lips Reviews

...Coach is a great short story of two men who throw caution to the wind and pit their own happiness against that of small town prejudice...and I highly recommend it to anyone...

  Review by Fallen Angels Reviews

...I look forward to reading other stories by Ms.Lynne...



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