

Colour Me Undead

Mikela Q. Chase

Customer & Industry Reviews of Colour Me Undead

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  Review by Joyfully Reviewed

Colour Me Undead is fast-paced and wonderfully fun.  Mikela Q. Chase starts things off on a high note with a sassy heroine who’s not afraid to take her powerful hero down a peg or two.  Basil and Cora have a great dynamic and they brought both humor and steam to the story. All in all,Colour Me Undead is a bright bit of paranormal fun that’ll make you smile.

  Review by Two Lips Reviews

The story flowed seamlessly and didn't seem forced in any way; the characters' chemistry felt real and the characters themselves are fully developed. This is a short story but don't let its length fool you; this story is quite good.

  Review by Literary Nymphs

I always enjoy a little chase between a couple and when paranormal beings are involved, that takes things to a whole new level...very entertaining conversations that made me chuckle and some passionate promises that made me blush...



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