

Redemption or Burn

Stephani Hecht

Customer & Industry Reviews of Redemption or Burn

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  Review by Angela

Max and Dev lost contact when they were fifteen because Max father the fire chief, committed a shameful act and was forced out of the fire department. Now ten years later Max wants to redeem the family honour. When he walks up to the door of Detroit Fire’s Engine 49 he discovers that Dev is not only a firefighter but is also assigned to the same fire house as he is. I liked this story, it´s a shame that the story isn´t longer because i would have like to read more about these two hot firefighters.

  Review by Mrs Condit Reads Reviews

a fast-paced short need to buckle up to ride this speedy story...Great story...

  Review by Top 2 Bottom

a fast-paced, reunion romance between two heroes whose heated chemistry practically steamed up my computer screen. If you are looking for a quick and satisfying read, then this book is definitely a good choice for you.



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