

Broken Pottery

Carol Lynne

Customer & Industry Reviews of Broken Pottery

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  Review by Fallen Angels Reviews

5 out of 5! Ms. Lynne has once again created a beautiful love story based around men who have real life problems that pertain to today's social climate.

  Review by Romance Junkies Reviews

4.5! BROKEN POTTERY is the sixth book in the Campus Cravings series by Carol Lynne and it is my favorite. I highly recommend this story.

  Review by Mrs Condit Reads Reviews

This story was…wow...I adore Daniel and Tony together. Daniel needs, no he craves, the affection that Tony gives him. He's such a damaged soul that it's hard not to want to just coddle him.

  Review by NovelTalk

Carol Lynne has written a beautiful story. BROKEN POTTERY is a well-written tale, and a genuinely heart felt romance. I am quickly becoming addicted to her writing and I treasure this series.



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