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Review by Customer
Chris Lange has done it again with "A Touch Too Much", Chris is a master Vampire writer. Her Vampires are so interesting in the way they conduct themselves. I loved the characters in this story, the connection between them that at times you cheer and at other times you don't want them together. The sex is very HOT and I have to agree with another reviewer that the tub scene was so so HOT!! Once I started reading it I could not put it down. If you are a fan of Vampire stories and want to read something a little different I recommend this book. Keep it up Chris!! Can't wait for another book from you.
Review by Night Owl Romance Reviews
A Touch Too Much was a wonderfully written paranormal erotic romance that I enjoyed immensely. The writer does a great job at setting the scenes up both on Earth and in the Overworld and showing the personalities of the twins, along with the twist you
Review by Customer
This book kept me in suspense the whole time. You meet the hero at the beginning then he disappears and you are like where did he go? What happened to him? Only to be surprised by the outcome. The sex scenes were steamy. The hot tub scene was crazy hot. If you like parinormal romance and vampire's, I recommend Chris' different take of the vampire world.