

If You Can't Stand the Heat

By HK Carlton

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Book Description
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Somebody's about to get burned…

An unlikely couple is brought together as celebrity judges on a new cooking show—Sesto Théodore, an American-Italian New York chef, and Syn Fully, a world-weary author of erotica. It's instantly clear that they are complete opposites and their personalities clash, but physically, sparks fly and passion ignites.

However, after a video with some rather personal content surfaces on the Internet, Sesto immediately jumps to conclusions and accuses Syn of the breach.

Can the arrogant chef forgive and forget, or will his pride leave him out in the cold?

Reader Advisory: This book includes an occurrence of mild bondage and a scene of slightly dubious consent, as well as covert sexual contact in close proximity to bystanders. There is also reference to stalking and non-consensual taking of videos and photography and the dubious consensual use of restraints.

General Release Date: 1st November 2013

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78184-805-0
Word Count: 30,180
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 91

About the author
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HK Carlton

H-K lives in Canada with her hard-working hubby. She has two very handsome grown sons and a beautiful teenage daughter.

She has been an avid reader all her life. Her first love is historical romance so it would come as no surprise that her favourite book of all time is Jane Eyre. But she'll read almost anything that captures her attention and imagination. She loves nothing more than to find a good book that she can't put down. She is a hopeless romantic and prefers happy endings.

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by Jeep Diva

I loved every single bit of it. Theodore’s arrogance was endearing and such fun to read whereas Syn’s disbelief at her behaviour was delightful. And as much as she is shocked with her own behav...

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