

Perfect Fit

By Taige Crenshaw

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Book Description
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When your love for someone is tested, how do you get beyond the silence and pain back to what made you become an us?

After a busy day, Regina Jacobs gets home to the empty house she used to share with her husband. The sight of the divorce papers waiting for her devastates her. She loves her husband and although they have not lived together for a while or even really talked, she'd thought they could work it out. She pushes off the hurt and embraces the fury. She won't give up her ‘us' without a fight. Determined to reclaim the man who she has known was hers from the time she was a teenager, Regina seeks out her husband—the man who knows her heart, soul and body, and sets each aflame.

Spencer Jacobs knows he is doing the right thing in filing for divorce. It is painful but he knows it is necessary. He loves Regina but sometimes love is not enough. When Regina comes to him after receiving the papers, Spencer doesn't know what to make of her words that he was giving up so easily on them. He'd already fought for them, and is bruised and battered from the loss of the woman who makes him forget all else but being hers. It will take everything he has to return, and this time he know failure means the end.

Can two people who have let the silence between them linger too long find each other again? It will take opening the wounds that led to the silence and getting back to the basic belief to rebuild what has been broken. For these two there is no one else that matches them. Together they are the other half to…The Perfect Fit.

Reader Advisory: This book is best read in sequence as part of a series.

General Release Date: 8th November 2013

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78184-812-8
Word Count: 52,253
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 140

About the author
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Taige Crenshaw


Taige Crenshaw has been enthralled with the written word from the time she picked up her first book. It wasn't long before she started to make up her own tales of romance.

Her novels are set in the modern day between people who know what they want and how to get it. Taige also sets her stories in the future with vast universes between beautiful, strange and unique beings with lots of spice and sensuality added to her work.

Always hard at work creating new and exciting places Taige can be found curled up with a hot novel with exciting characters when she is not creating her own. Join her in the fun and frolic, with interesting people and far reaches of the world in her novels.

Reviews (3)
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  Reviewed by Selina

Simply fantastic! I purchased the early download and after reading this book I'm soooooo glad I did. Spencer and Regina's story was one of love, loss and reclamation. To understand the sorrow of loss and...

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  Reviewed by Redz World

I thought Ms. Crenshaw wove a wonderful tale of hope. I loved that Ms. Crenshaw gave us a relationship that wasn’t shiny and new.  It had some wear and tear and was...

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News (1)
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Taige Crenshaw - Beyond Black and White feature

The ethnicity of the characters isn’t a driving factor. So when I describe the skin tone it is portrayed through the eyes of the other and how they feel when they look at them. The character first sees the person who invokes an emotion and the skin tone is just part of them. It really isn’t a factor to the character they just want that person. 

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