

The Broken Road

Anna Lee

Customer & Industry Reviews of The Broken Road

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  Review by MM Good Book Reviews

This quick taste of Anna’s work definitely has me wanting to read more!

  Review by Love Bytes

It was an enjoyable story, and I had fun reading it.  It did a good job of working with the plot so the story didn’t drag on, but also it didn’t feel like we got shortchanged.  The time jumps were handled very well, and I appreciate that. I liked this story quite a bit. If you have a bit of spare time you might want to check it out.

  Review by The Jeep Diva

I adored both main characters, even if love found its way very fast in the story. Both men were at points in their lives, where one night stands was a thing of the past, and the mutual attraction they felt, gave them a jump start to a relationship.

Ms. Lee demonstrated growth in the MC’s as well as the secondary ones. Kason and Ryen’s families added just the right touch of humor and meddling to the mix. Ms. Lee, additionally, while not dwelling on Kason’s disability, brought forth a sense of realism and the ability to overcome obstacles with the right partner.

A fast read, sweet, tender with an ounce of angst. A nice addition to your love of MM romances.



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