

Mating Scents

McKenna Jeffries

Customer & Industry Reviews of Mating Scents

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  Review by BTSe Magazine

Bailey and Garrick definitely had their steamy moments and they really did make quite the couple. It was a quick read and if you get the chance, pick up a copy. You'll like it a lot.

  Review by Literary Nymphs Reviews

I was shocked by the couple’s first meeting.  It left me giggling and rereading it again for a smile.  Theirs is the kind of story so off-the-wall wonderful that their grandchildren will be telling it some day.  Their drama was resolved easier than I thought and I think readers will appreciate that.  If that isn’t enough to draw you in, then all the interesting friends of Garrick and Bailey will certainly do the trick.  So far, I have a top three list of characters who deserve to come back in their own story.  McKenna Jeffries did a splendid job in making readers feel a bond with her characters.  In some I felt a sadness that I just have to see turn into a happy ending because they deserve it.  The town, the businesses, the jobs and the personalities were all unexpected and that kept me curious.  I suggest you jump on board now with Mating Scents, the first of the Rules of Attraction series so you won’t feel left out.  


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