

Love Don't Die

Jambrea Jo Jones

Customer & Industry Reviews of Love Don't Die

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  Review by MM Good Book Reviews

There is so much passion in these two men, that you can’t help but to be captivated by them. It was told with so much heart that makes this story explosive to me. I love the way they mingle and fight with trying to keep the other safe. I also love how they are willing to risk all to be with each other. When they get together, the place goes up in smoke from the flames of their passion. It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. I couldn’t stop reading even if I wanted to.

  Review by The Jeep Diva

In Love Don’t Die the seriousness of just how strong a hold the “gangs” of the “alternate universe” Chicago have on the city’s population is stressed.  The action was riveting. 


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