

In the News: Owned for Christmas

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Willa Edwards - Clitical feature

Are you a plotter or a pantster?
I think of myself as a combination of the two. I go into each story with a basic idea of what’s going to happen. An outline really. (Though I rarely put it on paper until I’m halfway through writing the story). But I still give my characters tons of room to play and explore. And if they get off the map, that’s fine. We just have to find our way through the new course together.

Willa Edwards - Female First Feature

In my newest release, Owned for Christmas, my heroine deals with accepting her true self and what she really wants. I think this is something we all struggle with. I know I have.  For Kate, she has trouble accepting her submissive side, after being hurt by her former Dom, she wants to walk away from the BDSM scene and never look back. But it is only with Grant’s help—the same Dom who hurt her—that she comes to realize she can’t just walk away from that part of herself. She has to accept and love herself for who she truly is.

Willa Edwards - Blog Tour stop with Literary Nymphs

I’ve always been someone who likes to try different things. To explore and challenge myself. I’ve never stayed in a job for more than a year unless I absolutely had to because I wanted to try something new. In college, once I completed the prerequisites for one major, I was ready to start another one.  Some might say I get bored easily, but I don’t think of it that way. I think I just have curiosity. A curiosity to see new things, to do new things, to stretch my view of the world, to explore more than just my little corner of the universe.

Willa Edwards - Exclusive Author feature for Owned for Christmas

How do you go about writing BDSM scenes?

I don’t treat BDSM scenes any differently than any other scene in my books. It’s all based off what my characters need in that moment, what they are capable of offering, of revealing. Whether it’s a harsh spanking or a tight hug, my characters are the ones that ultimately decide what happens in each scene.



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