

The Captain's Man

Scarlet Blackwell

Customer & Industry Reviews of The Captain's Man

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  Review by Inked Rainbow Reads

Whew… While this story was very well written and I loved the play between all of the characters… I have to say this was HOT.
The hilarity of the neighbors and their forwardness was a really nice balance to go with the seriousness and sexiness that came from Josh and Kade as they figure out what they are doing and whether or not it will continue for the cruise’s length or not. Such a good little story. I think the only complaint I would have is that it ended!

  Review by Rainbow Book Reviews

Amazingly erotic love scenes. If you are looking for a serious, cerebral book, 'The Captain's Man' won't do, but if you are looking for escapism and a sexy, entertaining tale to curl up with for the pure pleasure of it, then it just might fit the bill.



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