

Never too Late

J.P. Bowie

Customer & Industry Reviews of Never too Late

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  Review by Redz World

I loved how sweet this story was. Truly a beautiful story about believing in second chances. 

When you want a story to remind you the power of true love this is the one to pick up. 

  Review by Rainbow Book Reviews

If you like May/December romances with a touch of drama, if you think that two men who meet later in life still deserve happiness, and if you’re looking for a light, entertaining, and fun read, then you will probably like this novella.

  Review by Wicked Reads

Never too Late was a comforting novella, with swift pacing and a warm and fluffy storyline that had unexpected depth in so few pages.

I enjoyed Never too Late, and found it exactly as it was meant to be. 

Recommended for MM romance fans who want a warm, comforting, sexy few hours of escapism.



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