


Bailey Bradford

Customer & Industry Reviews of Exchange

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  Review by Kimmers

For a short, Bailey Bradford’s 'Exchange' is a captivating read that left me wanting more! More of this charming partnership and more of Bailey’s enticing writing. 

  Review by Cat Clontz

Sweet and Hot Short


I was totally unaware that this author was out there, but after this sexy and sweet short, I’ll be correcting that quickly! An introductory novella, we meet characters that will hopefully expand the series into a full-fledged world.
Hank is curious but cautious, and after a year of quietly crushing on Master Thomas, suddenly the Dom is free of obligations. Thomas has been quietly observing Hank for the same time, but when Hank is free, Thomas had a sub in contract, and vice versa. Finally the two are single at the same time, but Thomas is emotionally bruised and battered after his last contract ended and the sub started parading men in front of Thomas in a decidedly non-sub way. Now it’s Hank’s turn, but only if he can get the courage to approach the man.
This is essentially one erotic  BDSM-lite scene with a short intro at the front and an epilogue several months down the line. What is BDSM-lite? From the novella itself: “He preferred more vanilla BDSM.” Nothing hard core, just super sexy getting to know you leading into needing a fan to cool yourself off!
Written in third person omniscient POV, you get to see the men and their world from both sides. There isn’t much world-building due to the brevity of the novella, but you get enough of a taste that you know more wonderful is coming in future books. 
I enjoyed the eloquent writing and vivid descriptions. There are only three extra characters in the novella, and only one with whom there is any interaction, clearly the lead in the next book in the series. That distills down the book to the purest of interactions between the main characters. 
It is a lighthearted introduction for readers who may be wondering about BDSM but aren’t ready for the more intense aspects to the kink. I’m rating this at 3.5 stars, rounding up for sites that don’t accept halves. Exchange is a fun introduction to the series, and I am looking forward to continuing it on. I definitely recommend it for a quick, fun read without having anything too heavy to focus on.


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