

Ethan's Freedom

Jade Archer

Customer & Industry Reviews of Ethan's Freedom

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  Review by Teresa

Great sexy scenes and a compelling story! Can't wait to read the sequels!

  Review by Fallen Angels Reviews

...a intriguing beginning to Ms. Archer's Portal series...fascinated by how the cat shifters were used by the mages to enhance their magic...

  Review by Blackraven Reviews

4.5 out of 5!...this new Portals series promises to be an exciting one...The plot is very imaginative and well thought out with plenty of twists and action to keep things interesting. Ms Archer's beautifully descriptive writing style makes it easy

  Review by Queer Magazine Online

This is a great start to a new series...The world building is only just starting, I feel, and there will hopefully be much more to discover in the next volumes.

  Review by Literary Nymphs

The well-written plot is packed with tension, action, mystery in addition to fantastic intimate scenes. The characters are psychologically true to life...Jade Archer has created an impressively enjoyable saga.



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